Board of Directors

The LPNA Board

Elected offices are held for one-year terms. Positions are currently held by the following residents (as of February 2018):

Pat Acquisto: President (Events, Communications)
(314) 781-2129

Doug Dick: Vice-President (Events, Membership, Board Orientation)
(314) 757-2030

Lindsay Alsop: Treasurer (Membership, Streets & Properties, Green Team, Communications
(314) 645-9257

Lisa Roggeman: Secretary (Events, Membership, Board Orientation, Communications)
(314) 973-3228

Greg Roggeman (Webmaster, Communications, Events)
(314) 973-2080

Gabe Gassner (Safety)

Carol Hofer (Business Representative)

Milton Murry (Community Garden, Wabash Beautification)

Tim Nowell (Events, Streets & Properties, Green Team, Membership)

Emily Rogier (Events, Block Captains)

Adam Rustige (Safety)

Emily Yale (Park)

Board of Meetings

Board of Directors meetings are held in January, February, April, May, July, August, October, and November at the Machacek Library on Watson or in the meeting room at Epiphany Church. Anyone can attend LPNA board meetings.